Monday, March 22, 2010

Day late

As many observant readers may have noticed, it is not Sunday night, but rather Monday night that I am writing this blog. I was, unfortunately, sick all weekend, and was unable to write yesterday because of a nasty headache.
As I lay there, sick as a dog, I was considering why people like being sick? This may sound silly, as nobody WANTS to be sick, but I believe a large part of the population of school or working age people DO enjoy that scratchy throat that signals a short respite from the hard grind of the work week.
It is for this reason that I have compiled a list of the top 5 good things about being sick and the top 5 bad things about being sick. Here it comes:

Good Things:

5- Don't have to go to school, work, or any other kind of laborious task. This can be great if the past few weeks have really caught up with you.
4- If you have a list of movies you are ready to plow through, audio/visual sources are quite a fun way of distracting yourself from the suffering of being ill.
3- Sympathy from parents/relatives/friends. Facebook statuses and texts wishing me to get better fill the inbox and it feels nice to be missed.
2- March Madness. I happened to be sick during the second round of March Madness, so while my friends were in school, I got to chill and watch college basketball. That's a pretty good deal.
1- Food. As a good Jewish boy, the food is a big plus. Soup, orange juice, ice cream, and anything else I can claim will help me feel better is laid out before me, and I wait happily, ready to consume it all. I eat high on the hog when I'm not feeling so well.

Bad Things:

5- Headaches. The worst sort of sickness in the world is a headache. I can work through a runny nose. I can go about my day despite a sore throat. Heck, I can even function with a fever. Add a headache to the mix, and I'm instantly done. I can't stand headaches and the inability to do any sort of moving activity, thinking activity, sitting activity, sleeping activity, or anything in between.
4- Have you ever watched 30 hours of mindless TV in a row? It can get to the point where every sound-board added laugh makes you want to throw a rhinoceros against the TV screen.
3- Sleeping sucks while I'm sick. I hate laying down and hearing the pressure in my ears, and not being able to breathe through my stuffed nose or my sore throat. Try to get a good night sleep without breathing. If it works, you may not wake up.
2- Isolation from society sucks. Missing important events like youth group events and meetings stinks when you WANT to go to things. I have to miss the things I want to miss, plus the things I want to go to.
1- I'm sick. Hello? There must be something wrong with me or else I wouldn't be lying on the couch. How much fun can all this really be.

Overall, there is quite a few reasons why being sick can be fun, and a lot of ways it sucks. But overall, being sick does suck. No kidding. That's why people don't do it more often.

1 comment:

  1. austin i read your blog like i promised!!!
    and i agree with you 100%!!!
