Sunday, May 23, 2010

"I have a dream"...and YOU do too

You are 5 years old. You are sitting in a kindergarten classroom and your teacher asks you "What do you want to do when you grow up?" You think for a moment, and then throw something out there. Sometimes it is an astronaut, sometimes a fireman, sometimes a scientist, a president, and any other profession. But there is an answer. Something you want to do.

I recently turned the tables and asked one of MY teachers what SHE wanted to be when she grew up. At first she laughed, chuckling at the concept of "growing up" for an adult. But, after a minute, I repeated the question. I wasn't joking; I wanted to know.

Everyone has dreams. Whether they are short term or long, lofty or basic, insignificant or momentous. But all too often they disappear. You grow up, realize how hard it can be to attain them, and stop trying.

I find it especially disheartening when I see people stop striving for what they reach for. I can't help but feel responsible. That may sound ridiculous, but I feel that I could have helped them, no matter how big a goal, at least in some way.

Interestingly enough, one of MY goals right now is to avoid just that. My goal is to be there to help people realize those dreams that may be seemingly out of reach. I want to help facilitate those who think their dream is impossible, but really just need a little extra help in reaching the peak of the mountain.

So whether it be something as little as visiting some restaurant, or as lofty as becoming president of the United States, don't let your dream slip away. Don't get wrapped up in how hard it is to attain. Get wrapped up in how amazing it will be to get to the goal. And if you ever need inspiration, look for me. Ask me. Or ask anyone. All you need is a kick in the butt to get you rolling.

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