Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th

This week has been an incredible act of endurance for me. I have had more paperwork, more writing, and more studying to do all at once than any other time of high school. So much for an easy senior year.

Here is what I don't understand. With all of the work that i have been doing, I have had to stay up until 11:45 three nights in a row. Today, I could barely get out of bed. At school, I had trouble staying awake, and trouble even going from one class to another attentively. Overall, it was as if I was running on empty. How, then, do people do waht I am doing every day? I have several friends who can't even think about getting to sleep until at least 2 oclock in the morning. Every day, some people will even stay up until 1 in the morning, just to get up at 4 to finish. They come to school with three to five hours of sleep. Thnking about that, they get less than 24 hours of slep in a school week. That is rediculous. After how tired I was today, I can't even imagine how hard it is to function after so much work. It isn't even only about staying up late. It is also about what they, and I, are doing with the time we should be sleeping. We are working hard just to stay afloat with all of the school work, extra-curricular activities, jobs, and, in my case, youth group matters.

This is a vicious cycle. We stay up late so that we can do all of our homework to be ready for school, but by the time we get to school, we are to exhausted from the night before to actually be able to do well or focus.

I'm ready to go to bed, mostly because I want to make sure I am ready to work hard tomorrow.

"We accept the nature of the reality that is presented to us" The Truman Show

1 comment:

  1. I hope you don't expect to get any more sleep in college
