Sunday, January 9, 2011

January 8th

Gettin more opportunities for freedom as we get older is part of what makes getting older fun. We are presented with the chance to become more worldly, and get to experience things on a level that we have never reached before.

When teenagers get freedom, they often do stupid things. They don't know what to do without someone keeping tabs on them, and therefore go out and think it is ok to get drunk or stupid (well, both usually). Most of the time, though, the stupid ideas come from the ones we are told to do. If you are home alone, you are TOLD that having a party is the "right" way of having fun in that situation. It is the true sign of maturity when you are able to overcome this by doing what is right, even when it is not what might be fun for the moment.

“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.” Alfred Montapert

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